Load/Stress Testing

Load testing is a type of performance testing that simulates a real-world load on any software, application, or website.

Hard Working Developer

Benefits of Load Testing

Benefits include the discovery of bottlenecks before production, scalability, reduction of system downtime, improved customer satisfaction, and reduced failure costs. Specifically:

  • Discovering bottlenecks before deployment. Evaluating a piece of software or a website before deployment can highlight bottlenecks, allowing them to be addressed before they incur large real-world costs.
  • Enhance the scalability of a system. It can help identify the limit of an application’s operating capacity. This can aid in determining infrastructure needs as the system scales upward.
  • Reduced risk for system downtime. It can be used to ferret out scenarios that can cause a system to fail. This makes it a great tool for finding solutions to high-traffic problems before they arise in the real world.
  • Improved customer satisfaction. If a website’s response times are short even as it scales up to a higher audience, one-time customers will be more apt to revisit.
  • Reduced failure cost. Identifying concerns at the earliest stage possible, especially before launch, decreases the cost of failures. By contrast, after-launch failures can incur exponentially greater costs.

Hard Working Developer